Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bud Mohrman was Alan “Buzz” Andersons employer at Tape Inc for 18 years, fellow diver and most of all, close friend. So when Buzz died last year while trying to save the lives of two kids that were stranded on top of a car in a flood on Pitts Road, Bud knew he had to do something to memorialize his friend.

Mohrman said that the memorial was erected to help us remember Buzz at his best and also to remember the sacrifice he made. “The best we can hope this memorial stands for is just how dangerous things can be when the river rises above its banks. Hopefully this will inspire people to stop and think before crossing the high water.”
When I'm called to duty God,To dive beneath the waves,
Let swiftness be my virtue,To find that soul in time,
If this is not your will, Oh Lord,Then please show me the way,

It was one year ago today that our son lost his life while trying to save two children who made a mistake. Buzz always said, life is based on decisions and if you make a decision you should follow it through. That day, my son did just that. He made the decision to go into the water to save the children that were crying out for help. Also that day the Lord made a decision, the Lord made the decision to call my son home. The Lord did not call my son home out of cruelty or any such thing. I believe the Lord called my son home to use him as a tool. A tool, to teach others not to disobey signs. A tool, to teach the Fire Department and the Dive Team new and better methods to maybe help others who may find themselves in the same situation.
To see more photos from the memorial dedication: CLICK HERE
Monday, September 11, 2006

Julie Anderson, Buzz's wife, was first contacted by Steve hall about the benefit states that she was grateful and amazed. Anderson said as time went on and the event started to grow bigger she was even more amazed by the support and offerings from the people around the community.
TMC: Was there any hesitation in the beginning?
Julie: No. No. A little nervous the closer it got, but no hesitation. I just didn’t know how I would handle it all because it is a celebration, but never any hesitation.
TMC: Is there anything that you want to say to all of the people who have come together to put on this event?
Julie: Yes, I have thought about this and thought about this and just saying thank you doesn’t seem like enough. But you just can’t find the words that you want to express how grateful you are.
TMC: Tell us a little about your husband’s character that was able to spark all this.
Julie: He was very outgoing, like gatherings, loved car shows, he would have loved this. That was probably one of the reasons I didn’t have any hesitations, because this is a party he would have gone to.
TMC: Probably a type that he would help coordinate.
Julie: Yes, absolutely. He was such a caring man.
TMC: You seem to have a large family, how much support have they been through all of this?
Julie: I wouldn’t be standing here without all of them. Some days you lean harder then others. They have all been such a big help.
TMC: And the Wellington Fire family?
Julie: Yes, they have been absolutely wonderful. They have supported us unbelievably and we support them also whole heartedly. The have also suffered a great loss like we did. I would also like to say that with tomorrow being September 11th, there are a lot pf people to be remembered today.

Josh Riggs, Buzz Andersons Nephew
Josh Riggs is the 22 year old nephew of Allan “Buzz” Anderson. Josh lives in Columbus and has completed his fire science degree and has one year left in paramedic school.
TMC: How long have you wanted to be a firefighter?
Josh: I have been thinking about it ever since Allan Anderson Sr. was a volunteer up here in Wellington, so quite a while.
TMC: Has the incident with your uncle given you any pause…
Josh: (Answering quickly) None whatsoever. If anything it has given me more motivation seeing how much the fire department has come together as a family. It’s brought the entire town together and has made us much closer. It’s been an experience that, with under these circumstances, you couldn’t ask for anything more.
TMC: During the opening ceremony your family was all wearing the black t-shirts standing on the stage, then off to the sides of the stage we saw the Wellington firefighters wearing the gray shirts, it looked like almost an extension of your family.
Josh: Definitely an extension of the family, it’s just an absolutely a huge brotherhood. The Wellington Fire District has been amazing to our family, they’re hurting just about as bad as we are but we are all pulling through together.
TMC: What has this event done for you and your family?
JOSH: It shows how much people care, how the town cares and it’s wonderful to see all these people turn out. I was overwhelmed by everything that was put on today as I was overwhelmed by the funeral service.
TMC: Is there anyone that you wanted to thank in closing?
Josh: For me personally, my family. We have all been picking each other up and doing the best we can. Next would be the fire department. They have been catching us every time we start to fall down. They just show us so much love and sympathy; they have just done so much for the family. Steve Hall, the gentlemen who put on this benefit. He has done such a great job. There have also been a ton of people who will just express their condolences; simple things like that really lift us up.
I know my uncle was a great man. He died doing what he loved to do and these people, by continuing to lift us up shows us that. They really do.

Chief Bob Walker invited Al & Cathy Anderson to join him at the microphone to present them with a very special plaque.
”The Fire Expo / Firehouse World and Firehouse in Las Vegas is honoring Al as a firefighter rescue diver for the Wellington Fire District who gave up his life in the line of duty on June 22nd, 2006. We are extremely proud to have Al and Cathy here with us and troy Pitts has one more trophy that we would like to present to them.”
Presentation of Medallion by Wellington Firefighter Troy Pitts
“You don’t know how much it means to us to have our brotherhood here and on the day of the funeral to have all of the different fire departments that showed up from all over Ohio and other states, it made a big difference for us and for that Thank You. We received a phone call from an organization in Knoxville Tennessee called Fallen Friend; this is an organization that gives medallions for someone that dies in the line of duty while trying to save another life. We’d like to present this to you on their behalf and thank you and again express our sympathies for Alan as well.”
I think what an event like this does is honors Al for his extreme dedication to want to help the community, to help the Wellington Fire District and to get his family here to participate in the event.
I think this event is helping the firefighters and their families feel a little better now, the Wellington community turning out in such strong numbers showing their support. There’s a long way to go for us to all get through this, it’s going to take some time for healing.
Steve Hall, Event Organizer
This all started because I happened to be on the road that day when Buzz lost his life. The only thing I can tell you is that I was sitting in my living room with my dad and I said, I should really try and do something for this family. It has been an honor to be a part of this and to work with the Anderson family and the Wellington Fire District. I would like to thank everyone who has helped put on today’s event, but there are just way too many people to thanks individually, but you know who you are, God Bless You.
Let’s make today a day to celebrate Buzz’s life, there has been a lot of mourning but maybe for a few minutes today we can turn this into Buzz’s party.
Rodney Harrison, Owner of Harrison Ford & main event sponsor
It was important for the dealership to support one of its own locally, who gave his life to save another so we thought it was only right to assist as well to support his family. We are happy to see such a turn out of people and the amount of cars in the car show, just a great event.
Tim “Big Dog” Graham
I personally knew Buzz Anderson and his family. They are a good group of people, very nice family. I catered the reception after his funeral and donated to a golf outing as well. I’m glad to be a part of this. When I was first contacted I didn’t hesitate, I knew I wanted to be a part of this. The biggest part of this is to pay tribute to Buzz and to honor his service.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thousands of Lorain school kids and their parents headed downtown Lorain today for the 5th annual “Do The Right Thing” back to school event. The event provides a day of fun and free stuff for local school children getting them ready for the new school year.
Dean Schnurr, Director of Communications for Lorain City Schools, said that 5 years ago the Lorain Police Department, the Lorain City Schools and the Lorain Morning Journal got together to come up with away to recognize kids in the community who were “doing the right thing” and to create something that could bring the community together. The result of that get together: “Do The Right Thing”.
Schnurr said that the program goes year round and recognizes a child each month for doing the right thing. Kids chosen for the awards receive a $100.00 savings bond, a Do The Right Thing plaque and T-Shirt, a pass into all Lorain sporting events for one year, and gift certificates that have been donated by various businesses to the program. The event today, which kicks off this year’s Do The Right Thing and celebrates the program, Schnurr said, involves a total of 60 to 100 organizations supplying volunteers to help work the event. There are 32 groups that have booths at the event but volunteers come from many other groups to help make the day a success. Last year there were an estimated 3,000 kids through the event, this year looks to exceed that number easily.
When asked what this event means to the community Schnurr had this to say:
“It’s a great way for the community to come together, have a lot of fun, kick off the school year right and enjoy a lot of free food and fun”. Schnurr added, “because of the event kids who may not otherwise be able to afford certain school supplies are able to receive them for free here at the event”.
The event costs $12,000.00 to $15,000.00 to put on; all of that money comes from donations from local businesses.
TMC NEWS would like to commend the Lorain Police Department, the Lorain City Schools and the Lorain Morning Journal for coming up with such a phenomenal event for the community. These organizations truly have done The Right Thing! If you would also like to do the right thing by getting involved you may contact the Lorain City Schools at 440-233-2203 and ask for Dean Schnurr. We encourage you to look at the photos from this event, you will see what a success it is and you will want to “Do The Right Thing”.
Friday, August 25, 2006

So I traveled to Midview Friday night to shoot the game and the events surrounding a high school football game. My plan, for a couple reasons, was to get there early. One, I wanted a good parking spot. Two, I was going to see if I could sneak a TMC NEWS banner up on a fence. Well, I ended up covering a traffic crash in Sheffield Township around 6pm so that put me heading into the Midview area around 6:30 / 6:45. WOW, what a mistake. The traffic was backed up on Rt. 57 from Capel Rd to almost the Rt. 10 area. That is what you get though when two powerhouse teams come together on a Friday night. The stands were jammed packed and both teams put on a great show. John Chandler of NEWS CHANNEL 5 said that the game was much closer then the final score would indicate. Some estimate the crowd at 6,000, not sure about that number but you sure were putting too many more people in there.
To see all of the photos from the game CLICK HERE. Maybe we will be at your high school next week.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
NOON – 7pm
Lorain County Fair Grounds
(ALL proceeds go to the Allan Anderson Memorial Fund)
Car Show
Water Fights by local firefighters
Food (Big Dog Catering)
Entertainment by The Southern Star Band
Sponsored by:
Wellington Safety Service Departments
Harrison Ford – Wellington
The Southern Star Band
For more information call Steve Hall: 440-647-3614 or 800-686-3614
Sunday, August 20, 2006
That's right, hundreds of Lorain County Democrats took over Ely Square Sunday afternoon for a rally for this Novembers election. Now TMC NEWS doesn't really do political news but something kinda stood out today during the rally that we wanted to bring to you. Although amongst the hundreds of democrats were, what seemed to be, hundreds of politicians with their lil stickers and buttons, it appeared that the crowed was there to see one politician in particular: Sherrod Brown.
The rally started around 5pm with the high-energy music of Sonny DeLeon and his Orchestra. The music was interrupted around 6pm for 2 reasons one was that Sonny had another engagement to go to and there were a lot of politicians waiting to talk. So that is what happened for the next 30 to 45 minutes – politicians talking. Here is what you missed in a nutshell:
“Time for a change… Yadda Yadda Yadda… Who is ready for a change… Yadda Yadda Yadda… I want to bring change… Yadda Yadda Yadda… Do you have any spare change? Oh wait, that was someone at the corner that asked that.
Then the moment everyone was waiting for, the arrival of the bus, called “Turn Around Ohio”, carrying Sherrod Brown, Ted Strickland and Betty Sutton. Sherrod Brown was the first one off the bus and as soon as his foot hit the ground he was working the crowd. As he was shaking hands with the people standing right at the door of the bus he noticed a little 7 year old girl from Amherst off to his left holding a sign that said: “Kids For Brown”, he quickly made his way over to say hello and thank the little girl. From 7 to 70, they loved him in downtown Elyria today. As he approached the gazebo there were ropes and benches separating the stage from the crowd, Brown quickly hopped that barricade to shake hands and meet his people. With the media in toe it was like watching a rock star moving through a crowd. This is why it seemed like, at least for Sunday afternoon, Ely Park was: Brown’s Town!
To see photos from today’s rally: CLICK HERE.